Master of Arts in Music - Instrumental / Vocal studies - 2024-25
Piano master 1 (Dutch) - 60 ECTS
Piano (focus chamber music and accompaniment)
Piano (focus solo)
Piano Focus Opera Repeater
Piano (optie kamermuziek en begeleiding) Master 1 - Focus Operarepetent 1
Piano (optie kamermuziek en begeleiding) Master 1 - Focus Operarepetent 2
Piano focus concert soloist
You need to register to all courses. You also have to take the following option: Piano (focus solo).
Piano Master 1 - Focus Concertsolist
Piano focus creating musician
Piano focus researching musician
Piano master 2 (Dutch) - 60 ECTS
Piano (focus chamber music and accompaniment)
Piano (focus solo)
Piano Focus Opera Repeater
Piano Master 2 - Focus Operarepetent
Piano focus researching musician
You need to register to all courses. You also have to take the following option: Piano (focus solo).
Piano Master 2 - Focus Onderzoekende musicus