Bachelor of Social Work - Social and Cultural Work - 2024-25
1. Social Work: 60 ECTS
Social Work Identity - 1
SP: 3
Social Work Identity - 2
SP: 3
Social Agogics
SP: 3
Professional orientation
SP: 6
Lab: the social city
SP: 3
Professional development
SP: 6
Lab: the diverse city
SP: 3
The skilled social worker - 1
SP: 6
The skilled social worker - 2
SP: 6
Methodical approach
SP: 3
Sociology for Social Work
SP: 6
Psychology for Social Work
SP: 6
Law for Social Work - 1
SP: 3
Law for Social Work - 2
SP: 3
2. Social and Cultural Work: 60 ECTS
Critical Research Skills
SP: 9
Human rights
SP: 3
Professional Practice 2 Social Work
SP: 12
Labo: Global Engagement
SP: 3
Legal Practice for Social Work
SP: 6
Methodisch handelen binnen levensdomeinen
SP: 12
Social Policy
SP: 6
Sustainable development
SP: 3
International Perspectives on Diversity
SP: 3
Werken aan psychisch welzijn
SP: 3
3. Social and Cultural Work: 60 ECTS
Professional Practice 3 Social Work
SP: 18
Project duurzaam veranderen (AR)
SP: 9
Beroepsethisch handelen
SP: 3
Sociaal werk portfolio (AR)
SP: 6
Labo interdisciplinair samenwerken
SP: 3
International Social (Care) Work Week
SP: 3
Werken aan de sociale agenda (AR)
SP: 9
Mens en organisatie
SP: 3
SP: 3